What Is Really Going On Here?

Life, for most of us, feels like a movie we've arrived to forty minutes late.

Sure, good things happen.  But tragic things happen too.  What does it mean?  

We find ourselves in the middle of a story that is sometimes wonderful, sometimes awful, but usually a confusing mixture of both.  And, we haven't a clue how to make sense of it all.  No wonder we keep losing heart.

If you walk into any mall, amusement park, or hospital, you will typically run into a very large map with the famous red star and the encouraging words "You are here". These maps help us orient ourselves and provide perspective on things. 


This is the Big Picture. This is where you are in that picture. Hopefully you now know where to go. You have your bearings.

Oh, that we had something like this for our lives.

"This is the Story in which you have found yourself. Here is how it got started. Here is where it went wrong. Here is what will happen next. Now this—this is the role you've been given. If you want to fulfill your destiny, this is what you must do. These are your cues. And here is how things are going to turn out in the end.”


We can.


We can discover the Story. 


In this message we provide some clarity about the story you find yourself in.

Maybe not perfect clarity, maybe not in the detail that you would like, but in greater clarity than most of us now have, and that would be worth the price of admission. 

I mean, to have some clarity would be gold right now. Wouldn't it?


Something Every Man Should Know


It's The Most Chaotic Time of the Year