
Lord, thank You for considering me worthy. Worthy enough to die for. Worthy enough to renew. Worthy enough to transform. Worthy enough to live with for eternity. 

I’m sorry for my daily shortcomings and I thank You for Your forgiveness which I don’t deserve. 

Thank You for the revelations that You give each and every day. I pray that You will open me up to hear and receive them every time. 

I come boldly before Your throne of grace now in humility and ask that You, once again, renew my mind. Drive out any spirit within me that is not from You. Transform me from the inside out and fill me with Your Spirit, Lord. Help me to see the edge of my comfort zone as my starting line from now on and give me the courage to keep moving forward, always doing the next right thing.

Forgive me Lord, for giving up on things in life and believing the lies of the enemy from time to time. Thank You for holding on to me. 

Lord, You are the God of resurrection, and that does not just apply to people. You have the power to resurrect any and all dead things Lord...marriages, faith, relationships, passions, desires, strength, courage, discipline, ANYTHING. 

Forgive me for taking for granted the resurrection power that flows through me as a believer. Remind me, Lord, that I have victory over sin and death in my life. I have the same power within me that was used to defeat sin and death. I don’t have to give in to sin and temptation. I am strong enough to stand against it and win. The same power that You used to defeat sin and death through the resurrection of Jesus runs through my veins too. I only need to call on Your name and death will not be able to touch me, sin will have no hold over me, and Your victory will be mine every single time!

God, knowing that there is a perfect kingdom coming and that I get to be a part of it gives me hope. It gets me excited. Your word tells us that Your perfect kingdom is coming and knowing this drives out all fear and anxiety and gives me an expectant hope that makes enduring the trials of this world so much easier. I can never thank You enough.  

I never have to fear the future because You go with me at all times. Lord, You know what is on my heart and mind. Nothing is hidden from You. 

Today, I actively choose to cast all of my cares and concerns onto You because I need You and I know You can handle it. 

I am so thankful that the scriptures are filled with Your promises. Help me cling to what I know is true, and remind me of Your faithfulness. When I am tempted to forget what You have done or how You have shown Yourself faithful, cause my heart to remember. 

Keep me steadfast, Lord. Make me into a person that is eager to do what is good. Teach me to strive to do good for all of my days. Soften my heart to be subject to the rulers and authorities in my life and to walk in obedience to You, ready to do whatever is good that You ask. Help me to not engage in slander, but engage in peace instead. Help me to be a peacemaker, Lord, quick to listen, and slow to anger. Teach me to be considerate of others and guide me in true humility.

Lord, help me receive Your words and treasure up Your commandments within me. Make my ears attentive to wisdom, and incline my heart to understanding. God, may I continue to seek wisdom and insight all the days of my life. I know that You give wisdom generously to those who ask, and God I stand before You now and ask. I need Your wisdom. I need Your guidance. 

Lead me in the right direction, Lord. Give me the wisdom to know what’s right, and the courage to do what’s right, even when it’s hard. Don’t let me be distracted by the things of this world. Help me to focus solely on You and follow Your lead. Open me up heart, mind, body, soul, and spirit to hear Your still small voice in the midst of the chaos of this life. Lord, may I be Your sheep and follow Your voice, and Yours alone, all the days of my life. 

In Jesus’ name - Amen


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