Starting The New Year Strong

As we start 2022, you might feel like Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog Day where everyday is just like the last. It seems like every day is filled with the same news: case counts, limited services, uncertainty, and even isolation.


So what are you going to do differently the second time around?


I mean intentionally. 


It’s so easy to let seasons like this happen to you rather than be proactive. Netflix calls, scrolling happens, the kids…well, are kids, and the next thing you know, you wonder why you feel less connected to the world or are left languishing. 


It’s not the outcome you want, but it kind of just happens.


What can you do differently? 


Here are three ways I think you can be more intentional and move through this season thriving instead of surviving.


Let’s see you start 2022 on a track for growth and a full life!


1. Change your Mindset

So often, we focus on what we can’t control instead of what we can. We focus on the unknown instead of what we know is true.


Our survival instinct sometimes teaches us to look for threats instead of opportunities. But here’s the good news…that can be unlearned.


What do you know is true about your life, your family? 


Better yet, what do you know is true about God? About how He sees you? What does the Christian faith say you can count on for the future?


When we focus on what’s true and use that as our starting point for how we think and live, everything can change.


On Sunday, January 9th, we’re kicking off a brand new series called, “I’ll Do It Tomorrow: Finding the Power to Change.” It’s all about moving your life forward in the face of uncertainty.


This series explores the difficulties of change and the power of cultivating spiritual habits to see the life-giving process of change working in your life.


I’d love to see you there.



2. Work on something that matters long-term

No matter what’s happening or not happening today, you will never regret investing in those things or those people that matter most in the long term. 


What are things or who are the people you can invest in that are really going to matter 5 years from now? 10 years from now? How can you invest in those things? Because that’s not going to change. It will always be worth it.


And one of those things that we are choosing to invest in during 2022 is our personal spiritual growth.


So, to kickstart the year, we are beginning a 21-day fast on January 10th and will end after January 31.


You can get more information about fasting in general and the 21-day fast we are doing as a church by watching my message, Starting 2022 Strong, here.


After watching, if you want to join us, just decide on the type of fast you want to do. Then add the YouVersion Bible App and you can follow along with us in this devotional The 21-Day Fast.



3. Get Connected…NOW!

Here’s something I’ve noticed over the last 2 years. You know you need to be connected, but you quickly find your circle getting smaller. 


The next thing you know, you find yourself feeling disconnected or isolated. It has become too easy to just share small talk with people at work on Zoom, or just connect with friends via social media, but no real conversation.


My strong encouragement after almost 2 years of this…get connected NOW! 


Intentionally find a way to get in a circle with some people and get to know them.


Time and time again, in the pandemic, I’ve run into people who aren’t in a good space mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. 100% of the time, they have become disconnected from regular community. 


No matter where you find yourself, we all need to jump into connection.


Who do you need to be connecting with regularly? Someone who fills your tank or helps you grow?


We’d love to help you with this.


In January, we’re launching another round of Connect Groups in conjunction with our Discovery Bible Study on campus at Next Level Church.


Connect Groups is a 6-week, 90-minute Bible Study event where you can meet people at Next Level Church with the goal of forming friendships and connections while studying the Bible together.


If you want more info on Connect Groups or you want to get started and register, you can do both of those by going to our Connect Groups Page on our website.


So how about it? Don’t let 2022 just happen to you. Let’s not let uncertainty rule our minds and make our worlds smaller and smaller. 


Choose to be intentional and see a different outcome than you saw in 2020 and 2021.

Clay Monkus

Clay has devoted nearly three decades to reimagining what church can be. As a pastor and leader, he's dedicated his life to creating authentic spaces for people who've previously walked away from faith and church. His passion isn't found in building traditional religious structures, but in fostering communities where every person's story is safe and no one faces judgment.

Clay has consistently pushed against the conventional boundaries of church culture, choosing instead to focus on what he believes matters most: helping people discover the full and meaningful life Jesus offers.

Through his authentic approach and genuine care for others, he's helped countless individuals find hope and purpose, particularly those who thought they'd closed the door on faith forever.

With more than 30 years of pastoral experience, Clay leads with a simple mission: everyone's welcome, no perfect people allowed. His approach to ministry emphasizes creating safe spaces where real conversations happen and genuine community flourishes.


Keep Moving Forward


You Only Get One