Next Level Blog
What to Expect From Your 6th Grader
You probably already know this, but sixth grade is a HUGE year in a person’s life. It probably won’t feel like it most weeks, but what you’re doing this year is going to dramatically influence the future for your kid.
There is no other year of a person’s life that just naturally has less consistency. They can be kids one minute, and all grown up the next. You might be surprised…
4 Genius Dad Hacks
Being a dad is amazing but it’s also a little intimidating. Pinterest is filled with tips and tricks for moms but it seems like the internet is lacking in the dad hacks area.
Here are 4 dad hacks that will help you raise better kids and become a more confident parent!
How to Lose (or Gain) Influence With Your Children
Every parent wants influence, and while a parent is the greatest influence in a child’s life, that influence can wax and wane with the seasons. In fact, a lot of parents I know feel like they’re losing influence.
So, how exactly does influence work? It works like this: