Next Level Blog
How Does Jesus Say Your Name?
How does Jesus say your name? Have you ever thought of that? Jesus does say your name.
As we are heading into the Holy Week, the week just before Easter, I’ve been thinking about Mary Magdalene. Especially her experience on that first Easter morning.
Monday Morning Heart Attacks
Statistically, there are more heart attacks on Monday morning than any other time in the week.
I’m sure you don’t have to hear that statistic to know the truth behind it; we’ve all tasted it. Monday morning can be a treacherous outcropping with merciless waves of overwhelming responsibility, pressure and stress crashing in hard;
How to Invite Someone to Next Level Church at Easter
According to Thom Rainer's book, The Unchurched Next Door, 82% of our friends and family that don’t attend church are at least somewhat likely to attend church if invited. There is more. Seven out of ten unchurched people have never been invited to church in their whole lives. I say we ought to do something about that.
What To Do When Life Is Hard
“God, where are you? Why haven’t you done ____________ for me yet?”
Have you ever asked a question like that before? I know I have.
I thought that following God and being a Christian would lead to a life that was kind of easy, filled only with joy, free from pain and sorrow. Silly me.
I’m not even sure where I got that idea but when I ask around, I find that most of the Christians I know have believed (or still believe) some version of that. After all, it sounds good, doesn’t it? It’s so appealing, this thought that if you are a true believer you are spared suffering.
It is also completely contrary to what the scriptures teach.
Something Every Man Should Know
For all the guys out there, let me ask you a question (ladies, I will ask you something next week).
Do you remember as a boy, wanting to be Spider-Man or a Jedi Knight or (insert your favorite hero)?
And why did every long stick become a sword and every short stick a laser firing blaster?
I would suggest that there was something...